Friday, 7 October 2011

Sgraffito Urn for Hank

I've been meaning to get around to making this for a while... since July!
Anyway, finally a sgraffito slipware pottery pet urn fit for Hank. He was a distinctive cat, with his black nose and black goatee. Jakki wrote a piece about him back then, beautifully written. Hopefully i'll get it glazed and fired soon and find a nice little spot for him to continue his life amongst us.

I was giving the whole 'Urn' thing, some more thought too. Why is it that urns are so...well, death like? Why? They don't need to be, shouldn't they be more celebratory?... a life well lived. Shouldn't the Urn reflect this and have a little life and vitality? It could be anything, any shape size or form. Why should it look like an 'urn'?... and why can't we celebrate life. Death, just seems a bit like the thing people just want to skip over... well, in our culture. Why not give a round of applause as the casket disappears behind the curtain?... bit un-British i guess!!... 3 cheers for a life well lived? Something similar has been happening in recent years at sportsgrounds. It used to be a minute silence before a match, now it's a minutes applause ( partly to drown out any opposition boo'ing).. but i like it, it feels better. When i do finally go remember to give me a good round of applause and send me on my way.
A nice bit of gloom on a Friday, that's what you all needed!


  1. I totally agree with you and I love this piece! You are going to be a full time potter before you know it, watch out! When my uncle died, he had a bluegrass band play at his funeral. The service was in a little country church and everyone got up and said nice things about him, and we all clapped with the band, such a celebration of his life. He was an artist and many people brought in paintings of his and they were displayed around the room. That's how I want to go out!

  2. This is not facebook Lydia!.. very serious in depth blogging only ;-)
    (but I'm really glad you "Like!".. coming from a cat lady!.. (the madness will come)

    Tracey, that sounds like the way to go if you ask me.
    Thanks for checking in, as always. I've just come from the wheel.. and am full of hope after a bit of a false start on it before. I only threw one pot on it just now, i wasn't fully in the mood, but i needed to see that glimmer of hope. The difference between the last session and this one told me a lot. I've still got a long, long way to go, but at least i feel it's now in the right direction! Now I shall actually look forward to having a little run of just throwing practice pots. Much happier, a lot was riding on that one little pot!!

  3. What a great urn, such a happy cat and so special for the wonderful companion of Jakki who has passed. He is in cat heaven and happy as a lark, I think it's best to applaud too.

  4. right on, man. a round of applause please. and a toast!

  5. You have a point: we should celebrate a life well lived. But it is difficult not to show your grief, particularly if the death is unexpected and sudden. People have different ways of accepting demise, and we just have to respect that. BTW, that’s a cute urn for your cat. I’m pretty sure he will love his last resting place.
