Thursday 21 March 2013

I Said F**k It

Here are just a few of my simple illustrations that appear in the new e-book I Said F**k It, by John Parkin.

It was great to work on a project that was just a stream of positive stories! The book is a collection of peoples stories who had read the book F**k It- the ultimate spiritual way, by John Parkin. I've posted about that book on here before and it's a great book... so is F**k It Therapy, the follow up, which came out last year. They're great for all those people out there who really do need to just stop caring what other people think of them! You feel like it's ok to say "fuck it, i don't want to do that, so I'm going to do this instead" or do the opposite and say "fuck it, i'm not going to put that off, I'm just going to do it and see what happens". It's laid back, or it's go for it! depending on how you feel. Basically, it's a lot of Eastern ideas wrapped up in a Western approach. Anyway, go buy one if you're curious, i doubt you'll be disappointed.

Realising that what you're worrying about and stressing over doesn't really matter so much in the grand scheme of things is the door to freedom and healing. And the little profanity 'F**k It' is the key to that door. Ask anyone who's come close to death, or lost someone close to them, or discovered they have a serious disease and they'll say the same thing: that the little things don't matter, F**k It... enjoy life in every moment for what it is, not what you want it to be... worry less, live more... remember what's important and forget the rest. – John Parkin

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