Friday, 2 September 2011

Better late than never

Last weekend i finally got a chance to meet up with Blogger Matt. My little family had a nice long weekend break up at my folks in Northamptonshire, giving my boys the chance to see their grandparents, great grandparent, aunt and two cousins. On the Saturday we decided to leave the boys with their grandparents and headed across country to see Matt and Tiggy in Evesham. I've been in touch with Matt for about a year (his help and advice has been invaluable) although I'd never met him in person before. It was great to finally meet and talk pots for a few hours, I don't get many chances to do that at home! Man, Matt's got some pots, any followers of his blog who have seen a peep inside his house will already know this. Mind you, i think ALL potters have got a lot of pots... I've seen inside those cupboards (Ron)!
Matt was generous enough to let me get on his wheel and give me a few pointers on throwing ( I now have my wheel up in my workspace, so hopefully this week i start my time on the wheel) Who knows how many pots i will have to throw to get anywhere near what i want... but that's part of the fun right?!
Matt was also very generous with his pots and I now have some very nice pots kicking about my house... and some very tasty soaps, thanks to Tiggy... go and buy some! This is a lovely tea bowl/ cup / handleless mug?... whatever we're calling them these days... I'll stick with cup. I've enjoyed a few drinks from this one down at my studio.

Anyway, thanks Matt and Tiggy, me and Jakki had a great day... sorry you had to lose one of your precious free days!!
 Oh, Matt also fired a pot of mine that i sent him in the post a while back and it was sitting there waiting for me and i walked right past it! I'll put a pic up of it in the week, I've left my camera down the studio. I packed that little bit of greenware very well, but i was still surprised to find out it had made it. It was really good to finally see a piece glazed and fired, to see how my slips had worked out ( a little thin on the white, but it should still be fine on the other pots).

I've been slack blogging too, as there's so much other stuff i have to give attention to. I'm very nearly there with the online shop. Postage, has been giving me a headache!! I have to say every little step has been hard won. I'm not a natural with things technological, but I've plugged away and google sure helps answer all those little niggles that could have taken me forever to figure out on my own. It's amazing what bits of html code you pick up along the way! ( along with a multitude of new passwords!!) Keep your eyes peeled, it should be up on Tuesday.. obviously I'll let you know here on the blog.

I'm taking my boys to my agent's Summer bash tomorrow, so I'll report back on that too. Should be good, always nice to catch up with everyone and share a drink or two.


1 comment:

  1. Hey, Nice that you had a meet up with Matt! It's great to get together and talk and look at pots. Can't wait to see your online shop. Hope you'll get some throwing in soon.
